Great on the sewing machine repairs, and good vacuum selection.
— Emily Kaiser
Delighted! I even called the shop to say I'm not just happy - I'm delighted. My barber suggested taking the 1958 Pfaff 229 sewing machine to K&G Appliance, saying they could fix the timing problem I'd struggled with. The machine sews PERFECTLY now! On top of that, it's been cleaned and tuned at a very fair price. The next time I struggle with any of my antique appliances - this is where I'll go.
— Eric Bennett
Very knowledgeable :-) great prices and had exactly what I needed.
— David Bagaria
Found him very knowledgeable on all of the vacuums as well as a previous visit for a repair. Fast and reasonable rates Pleasant and helpful.
— Catherine Smith
Very professional and courteous staff . quick service too! thank you for so much for helping me with my "dog ate my vacuum cord" problem!
— Mary Lou Cabadas